Heavy Rain, a new game from developer Quantic Dream (Indigo Prophecy) takes video game storytelling to a new level. Centered around four characters, Heavy Rain tasks the player with mastering...
Video games based on movie licenses have a well-deserved reputation for being terrible. While there are exceptions -- last year's X-Men Origins: Wolverine comes to mind -- Terminator Salvation isn't...
One of the first notable platform exclusive games for the PlayStation 3 was 2007's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Although some derided it for being a fairly linear Tomb Raider knockoff, the...
Taking place 12 years prior to the events in the movie and comic book on which the game is based, Watchmen: The End is Nigh focuses on the characters Nite...
The box reads "a massive explosion rips through six blocks of Empire City, killing everyone in its path...except you. You now wield extraordinary powers. Will you use them to save...
As I've mentioned in other reviews, I am a big World War II buff. When I heard of the alternate history shooter, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, in 2007, I...